Abilene Christian University's Optimist Staff endorses Barack Obama

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Obama's focus on maintaining American competitiveness by improving education - a front that President Bush failed to make progress on - shows his knowledge of how America has succeeded in the past: innovation. The most effective way to engender innovation is by supporting education.

Sen. Obama's pragmatic approach and sincerity of speech is refreshing when compared to the hot-tempered and erratic tone of Sen. McCain during the campaign. As seen by the variety and volume of his supporters, Obama appeals to a diverse demographic and has earned the majority of Americans' confidence when it comes to the economy.

Obama aims to fight the economic inequality
generated during Bush's presidency by proposing tax cuts for the staple of the American economy: the middle class.

Sen. McCain's desire to continue Bush-style tax cuts and his apparent disinterest and ignorance on economic issues shows how he is not the man this country needs in its time of economic crisis.

We are drawn to Obama also because of his ability to mend America's damaged image throughout the globe during Bush's years at the helm. Obama is a comsmopolitan who has shown time and time again that he will work with our allies and take steps away from the calloused and condescending foreign policy of McCain and the man he voted with 89 percent of the time since 2001.

As for the two wars our country continues to fight, Obama has been steadfast in his insistence to withdraw American troops from Iraq - a war that we unjustly entered - and refocusing the effort in Afghanistan. We believe this approach is correct, as the men who attacked our country on Sept. 11, 2001, are in Afghanistan and the mountains of Pakistan, but we worry that Obama will abandon the progress that the surge of troops have brought in Iraq.

In this precarious moment in American history, this country needs change. We believe Obama is the right man to bring that change, and is more prepared than his opponent to guide this country out of the perilous waters we have been sailing for the
past eight years.